The Challenge. Adverse reports surrounding a particular bank in Southern Africa alleging mismanagement of depositor funds prompted a run on the bank, leading to the Reserve Bank placing the bank under receivership. The shareholders (a mix of High Net Worth Individuals, international development finance institutions, and commercial investors) held differing views on addressing the situation resulting in an impasse.
How we helped. put together a team of expert consultants. The team put together intelligence and analysis. They tracked media and market reaction to the situation as it evolved and conducted detailed scenario planning to inform ultimate recommendations. It was essential to build trust among shareholders by enabling frank dialogue to align interests behind a clear and shared agenda: reopen the bank as quickly as possible and protect depositors and jobs. designed and executed a stakeholder engagement strategy to achieve these goals while managing reputational exposure and protecting shareholder value. We engaged media, influencers, and government stakeholders to build an understanding of the shareholders’ common agenda and emphasize its alignment with the national interest.
Value delivered. The bank was reopened, making it the first bank in the country to reopen after being placed under statutory management. As a result, jobs were protected and depositor assets secured. In addition, the Governor of the Reserve Bank confirmed a positive endorsement of the shareholders’ efforts to reopen the bank.